Friday, January 27, 2017

Recent press and tidbits...

Thank you Fauquier Times for featuring one of our Warrenton, VA office projects in the Times Business section this week.  Read the full article here.  
We are proud to be a contributing writer for the Piedmont Media group and have upcoming articles coming out in SHE magazine, and In Prince William.
Also, our friend Jen Sergent, author of DC by Design blog, featured us here.
  Currently working on:

...this fabulous dramatic scheme; black bold pattern will be draperies, smaller prints, pillows and ottoman,

 ...personal reflection, re-establishing good habits, setting business goals higher, taking yoga classes on the Daily OM 

Check out this site for daily inspiration!

...  and working on rooms in both of our homes, including adding more indoor plants (can't wait for spring).

Bethany and I have discovered some fabulous new antique shops and have picked up some amazing finds. We love day trips!

Winter is a great time to work on indoor projects and 'nest' before the urge to be outdoors hits us in the spring.

What are you working on?


  1. You ladies have been busy! Congrats on all the success! (totally loving those fabric swatches!)

  2. Congrats!! Would love to hear more about those day trips.

  3. Many congrats!!! I just read Jennifer's post. Beautiful work and gorgeous photos. xoxo


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