Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekend Puppy Update

Bethany and I spent all day Saturday working on a girls room that we are installing next weekend.  The bulldogs were over and after a long walk, Gibbs enjoyed his cousin for hours and hours.  They never stopped playing.  Too toddlers who will never admit they need a nap, but given a moment of quiet when Seamus went home, Gibbs was lifeless the rest of the day.  He will be 6 months old on the 18th.

I know this looks like alot of fushia, but the walls are BM White Dove and the scheme is mostly white with fushia and chartreuse accents. Had a great day with my partner, and tomorrow a client presentation!

Have a lovely Sunday.  Happy Cinqo de Mayo!


  1. Calypso in the CountryMay 5, 2013 at 8:47 AM

    I LOVE the picture of them playing together! Dogs are so funny. The one of Gibbs sleeping is so sweet. They always wear themselves out don' they? Have a great Sunday!

  2. Good luck with the client presentation! Is that for a young girls room? It is nice to see you guys busy.

  3. Watching Sunday Morning story on Mark Harmon and had to open up computer to show my husband all your pictures of Gibbs. Love these updates.

  4. I bet you have so much fun to watching those little playmates! Can't wait to see your fushia room and what you're doing with all of the mirrors!

  5. Your furry babies are adorable! And I cannot wait to see this fushia and chartreuse room!!
    The Glam Pad


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