Friday, August 15, 2014

Horses in Art

A subject near and dear to our hearts, I always love to look at horse art.
Here are a few I have coveted beginning with the cave paintings at Lascaux.

Leonardo da Vinci
Albert Gleizes
Edgar Degas
Alessio Issupoff
Anton Mauve
Elizabeth Frink
Marc Chagall
Mike Smith

That first animated image brings back the thrill and rush you feel on the back of a fast moving horse... have you experienced that?  
Like no other.....


  1. All of these are beautiful Nancy, my fave is the Degas painting!

  2. Anything with horses will grab my attention - they are such majestic animals! I love the first photo/movie! Hope you both are having a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  3. Such graceful creatures, I too can never get enough of their beauty.

  4. Yow know I am crazy over this post!! Love it and I need some of that art work!!


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