Sunday, April 14, 2013

weekend puppy update

Gibbs is 5 months old! He has legs down to my shins when I try to pick him up.  That's not gonna happen too much longer.  Did I mention we have a growth chart on my son's door frame where I used to mark the kids? (This is what empty nesters do when the kids are gone..hahaha.)  He grew and inch and 1/2 this week! I can't get him on a scale to weigh him, even when I try to hold him with me, he's just too wiggly. We carry 50 lb. feed bags for the horses, so my best guess is he weighs the same as a bag of horse feed!

Getting a little ridiculous, but he's still so puppy-ish and sweet and goofy and all legs! His legs look like a jack rabbit!

Hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday.  We are working in the yard again and soaking up this great weather.


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  1. Oh, how I enjoy these updates! He is so adorable and I am cracking up over the doggie growth chart! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Oh what a cute spoiled baby, love it! :)

  3. Looks like you having fun with your new "Baby"!

  4. You are hilarious Nancy! I love doggies!
    Tell Gibbs hello!

    Happy Sunday.

  5. Love these updates. My Lord, look at the size of that boy's feet--he's got more growing to do. He is a big, sweet baby!

  6. He's mighty lucky to have you still holding him!! xo

  7. What a cutie! I love that you keep track of his height on the door!


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