Monday, April 1, 2013

change is good, right?

Good day friends!

Just a note to tell you about a journey I am on so you'll understand if I'm absent from my blogging duties for a bit. I don't intend to be, but life may get in the way, as it often does.

In addition to our Powell Brower Interiors business, I have owned a government display business for the past 22 years... until today. Whoa, that sounds so weird. The business was my father's and I took it over, and sadly put my decorating career on hold to run it.  But, during the last few months I have decided to close those doors, since my heart has not been into growing it anymore.  I just want to be creative and do decorating and art  and grow our design business.

I was fortunate enough to find a buyer to purchase my business, but part of that deal was ME - he wants me to help him transition into the business. So, I am going to work for someone else for the first time in 40 years

I will go to someone else's office, not down my hall. The fax and business answering machine will not be going off in the middle of the night. I won't be able to have my wet hair in a towel or pluck my eyebrows while at my least not for a while, until I figure out this new schedule.  I will have to go 9-5 some days during the transition to train the new owner and for him to train me on his system, but it will most likely be part time for the next 3 months. Then I need to decide if I quit altogether or work a few days a week for my old company. It's so nice to have the option since I can tell you it's a scary thing to be almost 60 and completely change what you've been doing your whole life.

I'm trying to embrace this change (after weeks of tears and fears) and I have a wonderful support system around me. 'Spring' (if it would just hurry up), color, art, design and blogging, my friends and family, all give me hope that my life will be better in this new direction.

Thanks for listening. It's all part of the process for me to not internalize it and to peel off the layers, to be true to myself. 




  1. Although it sounds like a drag, I think you're making a smart decision. Selling the business is the best way to recoup your investment of the last 22 years. It may take some adjustment but you'll adapt and we'll hang in there with you.

  2. Changes aren't ever really fun ... but such a growing and wonderful process. More so because you made this change for YOU, not for someone else. I know you will find yourself in this journey and make the right decisions along the way!! We'll cheer you on!! xo

  3. Good luck with adjusting to your new situation. I have a feeling you will enjoy the freedom that comes with not owning it. I know your design business is off and running!

  4. I applaud you for embracing this enormous change and following your heart! Take it day by day and I am sure the decision about what to do for the long term with the company will be clear. Best of luck Nancy and know that we are all here cheering you on, in all of your endeavors!

  5. Best of luck with the transition! We will miss you, come back soon!!

    The Glam Pad

  6. This is so exciting! You really know where you are headed now!
    I am 58, so I can relate to the anxiety attached to your decision, but i saw go for what you love.
    Happy Monday.

  7. Congratulations Nancy, and good luck with the transition!

  8. Wow, Nancy this is a big change. I just know that you'll come out on top with with tons of creative energy and a lighter load to move forward with. I hope you are able to enjoy each moment knowing that you are moving ahead.

  9. Life is constantly challenging us. First of all, how wonderful that you were able to sell your business in the current state of the economy. And I think it's fantastic that you're pursuing your real passion - and this is a good way to make that break! Good luck with it all!

  10. What an exciting new opportunity...although a bit scary! Glad you can focus on what you really want to do.

  11. Change is evolving and life evolves! Just let it happen....go with the flow. You will find your place!

  12. I know you'll give it your all, finish the job and then be free to immerse yourself in what you love.
    Hang in there, Nancy. The time will pass quickly. :)
    Best of luck, Tina

  13. Hi Nancy! You know already my sentiments on this matter, and I am glad that you have shared this "struggle" and triumph to all your readers. I think this will be a great adventure for you, you are good in everything you do and I think, that in the end, trying your best to help your new boss, will make you happy too since you will see your dads old business succeed. Take care dear, we're just here. :-)

    Btw, I posted the blogger bedside table series already, if you have the time, please check it out and super thanks to you and Bethany for participating! your support means a lot!

  14. change can be hard and you are brave to try to do what is best for you! wishing you the best on your new adventure.

  15. I've been seeing a lot of quotes today...I think we all need to hear them:)

  16. Oh it's going to be wonderful and the best decision you ever made....I promise!! Follow your heart and you can't go wrong.

  17. Good luck on this new venture. I love that TV commercial that talks about Julia Child's and other famous people's age when they became famous and the message is "not everyone peaks in their twenties." As a newbie 60 year old I often think about how my decorating and writing career have taken off inthe last decade. I know you will work this out and return to your design business refreshed and ready to do what YOU want now. I look forward to following your progress

  18. You always have such a great outlook, Nancy and I'm sure the scariest part of the decision is probably over. You're so talented and artistic, it's great to see you using that gift to the fullest!

  19. Wow, congrats on the sale- speaks volumes that you are part of the deal, too. I hope it is a wonderful experience for you- we will be here whenever you get back!

  20. Boy Nancy, I hear ya. It's so hard to accept life changes as we get older. How cool that you have been able to run your family's business all these years. Congratulations on making the tough decision and for finding a buyer. I'm sure you will tackle this new challenge with all your heart, as I can tell from reading your blog that you are that kind of gal :)

    I look forward to hearing about your progress and your eventual new found freedom to create full-time! All the best Nancy!


  21. Congratulations Nancy and good luck with the transition!

  22. Wow. Major leap of faith lady! Kudos to you for following your heart. Scary feeling but the rewards will be endless. Cheers to embracing change.

  23. Change is so hard when you get older! You can do it.....totally rooting for you girl:)


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