Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pray to Dog

Look at this amazing room redo by Vintage Revivals.  The bullgods and I were sitting here, open-mouth breathing, while swooning for this little girls' room! Wilma asked if we could do her room like this.  I had to tell her that the room has to function as a guest room, in addition to acting as her room, so no-dice.

This kicks off my new series, Pray to Dog, about animals in decor.  I'm not the first and won't be the last to post on this topic, but it never gets old for us! Here's where you come in. Whether it's your cat, your brother's dog, your mother's chinchilla, we want to see your animals incorporated into interior design .  That means you have to send us cute pictures as you come across animals in decor! 

I showed you mine, now I wanna see yours! And when I don't have anything original, I'm going to show you some animales en el arte that make my day a la this one above!

Send us pics of pets!


  1. This is too cute ... mostly I try to keep my dogs OUT of my decor!! But I'll give it a try for you!! xo

  2. Karolyn StephensonApril 30, 2013 at 8:27 AM

    Love it! I will send you my pet pics too!
    The Relished Roost

  3. Ecxcept for our Geico, Mona, we don't have any real pets at home. But I'll send you some of my fave animals in our decor! INteresting series Bethany! love it!

  4. What a great idea, Bethany! When I get my little one I will send a pic!

  5. Super cute idea! Never gets old for me either...


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